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Fibromyalgia Help Book, The |
by Jenny Frandsen, RN and Jon Russell, MD
Trade Paperback
Published by Smithhouse Press, 1996
239 pages
ISBN # 0961522143
Price: $18.95
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Fibromyalgia, described in this help book, is recurring muscle pain identified by palpating the muscle and surrounding tissue for swelling and tenderness. A wife discussing her husband's "real or imagined" joint pain of fibromyalgia recently confessed, "I did not believe he could be in pain because I never saw it. Then one day the pain resided in the lower calf of his left leg. It was swollen and even a bit warm to touch." "Suddenly I realized what bothered him in deeper tissues that could not be seen."
People all over the world, five million of whom are Americans, suffer from fibromyalgia. Fransen and Russell give an excellent overview of muscle fiber involvement in this help book. They advise finding a primary care physician and a clinic who recognize and treat fibromyalgia with a nonjudgmental attitude. The book is full of helpful medical advice to be used by the patient, family and friends for establishing a support system at any stage of fibromyalgia.
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