We met and married in Minneapolis, Minnesota and served as Peace Corps volunteers in Afghanistan. Our sons Jason and Joshua grew up in Helena, Montana. They attended Helena schools and graduated from Montana State University. Now
both live in Seattle.
Janet was a school nurse for 25 years, RN, licensed professional counselor and an author with a masters degree in human services. She now owns a small publishing company, Summer Kitchen Press.
Steve was a physicist in earlier years, then worked as a statistician and computer
analyst for the State of Montana with a masters degree in statistics. He now owns a web design business, WebByPros.com, a hosting business, W3Pros.com, and an internet site selling Montana products, BiggerSky.com
This web site arises from our joint interests and the expectation that we can help you
get the books and information you need. Our interests are people, health counseling, travel, writing, photography, publishing, computers and web-page design.