Counselors, nurses, pastors, parents and teachers often help people deal with painful concerns. It is rewarding to present books that have positive prospectives and helpful answers. The trilogy of Dave; A Child Called "It," The Lost Boy and A Man Named Dave is just such a series. These books recount Dave's life, first, as an abused child, then as a healing but defiant teen and finally, as a caring adult.
In A Child Called "It" Dave's parents - angry and alcoholic - send him on a journey that has all the hallmarks of abuse. Librarians and teachers of children ages 9-12 note that these books are read by students. I believe the content of the series is suitable for classrooms and libraries. Children who are abused may not hide the abuse as readily from other kids as from adults. Moreover, children are not as likely to tease each other if they have exposure to books and adults who tell them about real life circumstances such as the child abuse.