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A Tree Grows in Brooklyn |
by Betty Smith
Trade Paperback
Published by A Tree Grows In Brooklyn, 1998
489 pages
ISBN # 006092988X
Price: $12.00
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In 1950 Betty Smith met with the same denunciation when she wrote about tenement squalor in A Tree Grows In Brooklyn as Charles Dickens did when he exposed the plight of orphans in Oliver Twist. Francie the main character in Tree gave every girl of the fifties the courage to think about a career outside the home.
Francie is young and vulnerable yet headstrong. In that head she holds a vision of her future self so tightly no one can dissuade her. Her "role models" would caution Francie not to refuse the advances of a boss who feels the societal right and obligation to take advantage of young girls. But Francie returns to her tenement determined to improve herself. Nightly she washes her blouse and undies so she will have a clean change of clothes as she conquers her new world.
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