From the author who reincarnated the selves of adolescent girls, comes a book dedicated to rebuilding another social institution - the American family. "The Shelter of Each Other," talks about families of all configurations and how they shelter and nurture each other.
Pipher builds a case for the importance of family values when she says, "Ideally, children learn from their families what to love and value. Some parents have the impression that they shouldn't impose their values on their children. But if parents don't teach their children values, the culture will. Calvin Klein and RJ Reynolds teach values. Good parents are what Ellen Goodman called counter culture; they counter the culture with deeper, richer values."
Pipher's hopespeak gives concrete stories of young people who grew up in abusive families or were ignored. Yet they became as "strong, beautiful, and resilient as sunflowers." Pipher asserts that different times present different challenges. She stimulates a reader to think and find answers appropriate to their situation.