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Women Who Wrote the War, The |
by Nancy Caldwell Sorel
Trade Paperback
Published by Arcade Publishers, 1999
458 pages
ISBN # 0060958391
Price: $12.00
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Accounts of the action in World War II are entirely different viewed and reported from a female prospective. The Women Who Wrote the War illustrates Sorel's reporting skills learned while writing for The Atlantic. In Women she goes to the source and interviews the reporters who saw and reported the war first-hand. They interviewed everyone from foxhole casualties to Eisenhower and Adolf Hitler.
The book is a grim tale of women dressing as men so they would not be barred from a job "not befitting a woman." The women were hit on and patronized. They lived in drafty hotels and often took up smoking and drinking to "fit in" and have peer approval.
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